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International Undergraduate Double Degrees

These are programmes of excellence that offer the opportunity to obtain a degree from Toulouse Capitole University and a degree from the partner university, through a single programme, partly in Toulouse and partly in the partner university. The course, programme and degrees awarded vary according to the partnership.

Dual legal knowledge, linguistic fluency and experience of mobility are undeniable assets that future lawyers can use to their advantage with recruiters in a specific cultural area (Hispanic, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, Italian or Russian), in the European Union and, more generally, internationally.

UT Capitole has 11 post-bac double degree agreements in Law (and 7 at Master 2 level).

United Kingdom

          Partner: University of Essex
          Programme Director Law: Paul CAZALBOU
Programme Director Language: Charlotte RAULT
Information on Application to Double Degree in French law and English Law, University of Essex (French content)
            Partner:  Bangor University
          Programme Director Law: Paul CAZALBOU
Programme Director Language: Charlotte RAULT
            Partner: Institute of Law Jersey
          Programme Director Law: Paul CAZALBOU
Programme Director Language: Charlotte RAULT
* No enrolments for the 2024/2025 academic year

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